Standing seam roof and facade cladding is a durable and aesthetic material used to cover the roof and exterior facades of buildings. These coatings, which are usually made of metal and aluminium, offer a modern and stylish appearance as well as advantages such as durability, lightness and ease of maintenance.
Features of Kenet Roof and Facade Coatings
Material Variety: Clamp coatings are produced from metal materials that are long-lasting and resistant to various weather conditions. Light and durable materials such as aluminium and galvanised steel are preferred.
Aesthetic Appearance: Clamp coatings give the structure a modern and stylish look with different colour options and design features.
Durability: Clamp coating is resistant to decay, rusting or cracking due to its durable metal material and has a long life.
Lightweight: The light weight of the materials does not add additional load to the structure and provides ease of transport.
Waterproofing and Insulation: Clamp coatings provide 100% impermeability even on roofs with a slope of at least 5%. It has waterproof feature.
Ease of Maintenance: It is easy to clean because its surfaces are smooth. Periodic cleaning helps to maintain a long-lasting and aesthetic appearance.
Environmentally Friendly: Clamp coatings are an environmentally friendly option as they can be made from recyclable materials. In addition, their light weight contributes to energy saving during transport.